Psychosocial Research (PSR) Grants
For the purpose of this funding initiative, the Neilsen Foundation defines psychosocial research as 1) research pertaining to the influence of psychological or social factors on an individual¹s health, functioning or quality of life, or 2) research addressing the interrelation of psychological (e.g., behavioral, emotional, cognitive) and social (e.g., interpersonal, community, environmental) factors with health, disability, participation and other quality of life factors relevant to people living with spinal cord injuries (SCI). The Neilsen Foundation is particularly interested in outcomes research, or effectiveness research, that seeks to measure, evaluate or improve approaches that are patient-centered (i.e., interactions between medical practitioners and individuals with SCI) and/or consumer-centered (i.e., nonmedical interventions for people living with SCI at any stage).
- NEILSEN PSR POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP GRANTS – This funding is designed to encourage training and specialization in the psychosocial field of SCI. Funding is $75,000 per year or $150,000 for a two-year project.
- NEILSEN PSR PILOT GRANTS – Funding is $100,000 for a one-year project.
- NEILSEN PSR PROOF OF CONCEPT GRANTS – Funding is $150,000 per year or $300,000 for a two-year project.
LOI Deadline: March 14, 2014 5:00 PM (Eastern Time)