The IDSA Education and Research Foundation (ERF) and the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) have joined forces to offer the IDSA ERF/NFID Joint Research Awards. Our goal is to support needed research by promising young researchers who may not otherwise find funding as federal and other institutional research support becomes more difficult to obtain. By co-sponsoring awards we hope to expand the awareness of our awards among the research community and attract the best possible candidates each year.
- Merle A. Sande/Pfizer Fellowship Award in International Infectious Diseases – Award Amount: (1) One-Year award of $60,000
- ASP-IDSA Young Investigator Award in Geriatrics – Award Amount: (1) Two-year award of $200,000 ($150,000 research grant from National Institute of Aging and $50,000 career/professional development award from IDSA/AAIM/ASP)
- Pfizer Young Investigator Award in Vaccine Development – Award Amount: (1) Two-year award of $60,000
Applications Due: March 17, 2014