As The Children¹s Heart Foundation continues to grow, it will strive to fulfill its mission: To support research toward discovering the cause and improving the methods for diagnosing, treating, and preventing congenital heart defects. Beginning with new grants made in 2002, CHF funding will be limited to two years (consecutive or otherwise). No single project may receive more than $100,000 in CHF funds during any calendar year. Current award recipients must wait 1 year (12 calendar months) before submitting a new proposal.
The Children¹s Heart Foundation calls upon all investigators to submit clinical research proposals on congenital heart disease by June 6, 2014. The Medical Advisory Board of The Children¹s Heart Foundation will review the proposals by late Fall 2014. Those recommended will receive funding in December 2014.
To receive a copy of the grant application in WORD format, please contact Rosemary Wheeler ( ).
Application Due Date: June 6, 2014