OnPAR is a private business venture that will provide access to a global pipeline of innovative, unpublished research projects that can either supplement internal projects or provide innovative new ideas for future medical products and advances. In addition, OnPAR will provide access to a global database of published and funded projects to inform the biomedical research landscape.
- How Does it Work? Top-tier unfunded applicants will be informed about OnPAR and may submit a public abstract. If invited, they will then submit their full application and summary statement. Applicants will provide the exact application that was originally submitted to the government agency (e.g., National Institute of Health [NIH], Canada Institute of Health Research [CIHR], Australia National Health Medical Research Council [NHMRC]).
- Partners. Partners are government funding agencies. Their role is to work with Leidos to announce OnPAR to high-scoring applicants. The NIH, in the United States, is the founding partner. OnPAR personnel are in conversations with others national and international funders to join OnPAR within the next 6 months.
- Members. Members are potential funders that will review unfunded applications. These might include foundations, pharmaceutical companies and other private funders (e.g., venture capital funds). New partners and members will be announced as they join OnPAR.