The NIH continues to add new resources to their COVID-19: Information for NIH Applicants and Recipients of NIH Funding webpage. They hope they are helpful in navigating this unprecedented situation. Here is a summary of what’s new since the last Nexus:
- Updated infographic describing the peer review process during COVID-19 highlights policies in effect for the upcoming round of due dates
- Link to new dedicated page for funding opportunities specific to COVID-19 provides visibility into expiration dates and separates active vs expired FOAs
- New section on Funded Grants provides the ability to view COVID-19 related grant funding. Explore funding further using the COVID-19 Response search filters in RePORTER (under “Additional Filters”)
- All FAQs revised to align with NIH implementation of OMB memo M-20-26
- Updated animal welfare FAQs
- Updated overview presentation and talking points, for quick summaries of flexibilities