Announcing the College of Medicine’s 2025 Research Opportunity Seed Fund project selections

UF College of medicine

Ten projects were selected to advance to the university-wide ROSF competition.


By Manny Rea

The UF College of Medicine Office of Research is excited to announce the projects selected for submission to the UF Research Opportunity Seed Fund competition.

Managed by the UF Research office, the annual ROSF awards are given to principal investigators for cross-college, multidisciplinary research projects. The funding sparks research synergies to launch innovative long-term research collaborations.

The competition process starts with colleges selecting the strongest applications for submission to the university. For the College of Medicine, this entails identifying the 10 best biomedical projects from faculty.

In Mid-September, the College of Medicine Office of Research issues a call for ROSF letters of intent (LOI) from college faculty. Submissions include new as well as past LOIs that have been revised for the competition.

On the strength of their LOIs, PIs are invited to submit their full application, which are scored on the following criteria:

  1. New collaborations: Proposals involve faculty from at least two different colleges. PIs and co-PIs are from different departments and have not worked together on a previously funded proposal.
  2. Novel research: Proposals involve new ideas and are not a supplemental grant to the PI’s or co-PIs’ existing research projects.
  3. Meaningful contributions: Proposals exhibit substantial engagement by all investigators.
  4. Funding potential: Proposals detail how the researchers will collaborate on the project after the ROSF award ends.
  5. High impact: Proposals address significant research questions in multiple disciplines and are understandable to nontechnical readers.

Those with the highest scores advance to UF Research’s university-wide ROSF competition. With 20 applications submitted and 60 reviews conducted by 28 review members, here are the 10 advancing projects as described by the PIs: 

Please congratulate these PIs for their progress and be sure to check out last year’s awarded UF Medicine faculty.