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Todd Barnash

Roundup of New COVID-19 Resources for NIH Applicants and Recipients: Part 3

The NIH continues to add new resources to their COVID-19: Information for NIH Applicants and Recipients of NIH Funding webpage. They hope they are helpful in navigating this unprecedented situation. Here is a summary of what’s new since the last Nexus: Updated infographic describing the peer review process…

COVID-19 resources from EH&S; Screen, Test & Protect Initiative

Environmental Health & Safety is open and continues to provide critical services and assistance to the research community. New training video, research resumption checklist and signs/posters posted on their COVID resources page: More information:   The Screen, Test & Protect initiative uses public health guidance and best practices aimed…

NIAID Strategic Plan Details COVID-19 Research Priorities

Urgent public health measures are needed to control the spread of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and the disease it causes, coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19. Scientific research to improve our understanding of the virus and how it causes disease, and to develop strategies to mitigate illness and death, is of…

Webinars from the NIH OITE

Sent on behalf of Dr. Sharon Milgram: Dear All: I hope you are well. Here are updates from the NIH OITE, including 1) the schedule of webinars for next week (somewhat abbreviated because we have our virtual postbac poster day and it is our first experience with 900 posters in…

COVID-19 Funding and Funding Opportunities

Posted on April 13, 2020 by Mike Lauer, NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research As you can imagine, NIH is devoting significant resources to COVID-19. In addition to dedicating regularly appropriated funds, to date NIH has received emergency funding for COVID-19-related activities in two supplemental bills (available from…

NIH LATE APPLICATION POLICY Due to Public Health Emergency for United States for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Purpose It is likely that the emergency declaration related to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) will adversely affect some NIH applicants’ and recipients’ ability to submit applications in a timely manner. Late applications When delays occur because the applicant or recipient organization is officially closed or unable to submit grant…

New Institutional Training Requirement for NIH funded Clinical Trials, Effective 12/05/2019

NIH Policy NOT-OD-16-148 ( requires all NIH-funded investigators and staff who are involved in the conduct, oversight, or management of clinical trials (biomedical or behavioral) to be trained in Good Clinical Practice (GCP). The NIH definition of a clinical trial is “a research study in which one or…

OSTP Sends Open Letter to US Research Community on Foreign Influence Concerns

On September 16, Kelvin Droegemeier, PhD, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) publicly issued a letter to the US research community on efforts to ensure openness, transparency, reciprocity, and security in international scientific collaborations. The White House has established a federal Joint Committee on…