All Posts by

Todd Barnash

Reminder: Proposal Deadlines

As a reminder, the new proposal submission timelines go into effect this Friday. All proposals with published/hard deadlines must arrive submit-ready in DSP by 9am the day prior to the published deadline or it will NOT be submitted. Also note that many colleges have implemented additional days for internal review…

Hey, Trump, U.S. Science Spending Pays Off Bigly

President Donald Trump has released a budget plan for federal discretionary spending (which doesn’t include interest on the national debt or entitlement programs like Social Security). It has a few things to like, but it’s alarming for its deep cuts to U.S. government support of science and technology. Although Trump’s…

Online Partnership to Accelerate Research (OnPAR)

OnPAR is a private business venture that will provide access to a global pipeline of innovative, unpublished research projects that can either supplement internal projects or provide innovative new ideas for future medical products and advances. In addition, OnPAR will provide access to a global database of published and funded…

Roger and Rodgers

How many scientific papers open with a line from a Rodgers and Hammerstein song?

My Summer Reading

What happens in utero does not stay in utero; Laura made a mouse; Neuro tract-tracing goes real time

A spotlight on discovery

The College of Medicine’s video series, Research Landscapes, captures the power of our research programs, the excitement of our faculty and the beauty of our home.