Poster Session FAQs

What size should the poster be?

The poster boards at the event will be 4′ tall and 6′ wide. If you choose to utilize the printing services offered by the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine, here are their size guidelines:

While we can accommodate many different poster sizes, the largest dimension of one side of your submitted poster cannot exceed 42″ (42 inches).  For example – we cannot print a poster size of 46″ x 56″, but we could print 42″ x 56″, 42″ x 60″, or 48″ x 36″.

If you choose to print your poster elsewhere, refer to guidelines of that vendor for their printing process.

What time can I set up my poster?

Doors will open for presenters approximately one hour prior to the event start, or around 3:00pm.

May I submit multiple abstracts?

You are not limited on the number of abstracts you can submit. However, we encourage poster presenters to be with their posters as much as they can during the poster session in order to engage with visitors. If a presenter has multiple posters they are presenting, that could prove challenging. If posters are submitted with the same presenter and are placed in the same category, we will make every effort to place those posters next to each other, but cannot guarantee that will happen.

Is it required that all abstracts be accompanied by a visual abstract?

You are only required to submit a visual abstract if you intend your poster to be eligible for an award.

Does the visual abstract take the place of the poster?

No, the visual abstract is a visual supplement to your written abstract. All presenters are expected to bring a full poster to the poster session.

Has my poster abstract been accepted or rejected?

Unless otherwise notified, all abstracts that were submitted are accepted for presentation at the poster session. Each presenter and senior author will receive a poster number within a few weeks of the event.

For any further questions, please contact Todd Barnash (