COM Bridge Funding Program

Award Overview

The College of Medicine Bridge Funding Program provides funding to established investigators in the College of Medicine to continue federally funded biomedical research programs that demonstrate a likelihood of successfully competing for federal funding. Biomedical research is defined broadly to include basic, clinical, translational, and health services research. Bridge funds are meant to support efforts to address NIH or equivalent grant critiques in preparation for resubmission. Priority is given to established investigators with a high financial need to continue funding their research program.

The Bridge Funding Program is a competitive funding award in which at least 1 COM Faculty award and 1 VA Faculty Award will be given for each application cycle (April 15th, August 15th, and November 15th). Up to $50,000 is available to PIs to maintain projects for up to 12 months. However, an equal amount of matching funds (up to $50,000) is required from the PI’s department.

COM Bridge Funding is now also available for VA Faculty who have more than 2/8ths of their assignment to the VA.

Application Deadlines

  • April 15th
  • August 15th
  • November 15th

If the deadline is on a weekend, the deadline is on Monday.

If applicable: Your bridge funding application must be received by the College of Medicine Office of Research at least two months before you submit your A1 grant.


All full-time, on-campus instructional, clinical, and research track faculty with primary appointments in the College of Medicine are eligible to apply. Applications from the following are not accepted: postdoctoral fellows, projects to be performed while the PI is on sabbatical, visiting or adjunct professors, emeritus faculty, faculty members without evidence of investigative independence, and faculty members whose future work will not continue at the University.

  • Applicants must have a prior history of NIH R01 funding.
  • Investigators with >$75,000 in discretionary or start-up accounts or ≥$500,000/year indirect costs are not eligible for Bridge Funding.
  • Grants to be bridged must reside in the College of Medicine.
  • Investigators cannot receive funding in the same 12-month period from more than one of any Office of Research programs: Bridge Funding Program, Thomas H. Maren Research Excellence Award or Research Opportunity Seed Fund.
  • Bridge funding applications must be received by the Office of Research at least TWO MONTHS before you submit the grant to NIH.

Grants eligible for Bridge funding:

  • Any unsuccessful A0 or A1 NIH R01 application that will be resubmitted. R01-equivalent renewable awards may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • A project component of an unsuccessful Program Project or Center grant that will be submitted as an R01 A0 application.

Grants not eligible for Bridge Funding:

  • Non-renewable NIH grants (e.g. R21, R00, K awards)
  • Grants funded by Foundations (e.g. American Heart Association)
  • Internally awarded pilot grants
  • Career Development Awards
  • Fellowship Awards
  • R03s or grants under $100,000/year

Funding Amount

Up to $50,000 is available to maintain projects for up to 12 months. The funding period cannot overlap with federal grant funding if the grant is ultimately awarded. Awards can start after no-cost extension funds are exhausted, and can be paid (within one year) until the start date of the new grant. Unspent bridging funds will be transferred back to the Office of Research upon the start date of the new federal award.

PI’s Department Match

An equal amount of matching funds (up to $50,000) is REQUIRED from the PI’s department. These matching funds may include up to 10% of the PI’s salary effort and corresponding fringe benefits within the NIH cap.

Bridge Funding No-Cost Extensions

Requests may be considered, but cannot overlap with federal funds. Please contact Katie Blackburn ( regarding extension requests before the end date of the bridge award.

Application Instructions

Bridge funding applications must be received by the Office of Research at least TWO MONTHS before you submit the grant to NIH.

Review Process

Two members of the Office of Research Scientific Review Committee will provide applicants with written feedback on the merits of the proposal.

Funding decisions will be made based on the following criteria (in order of priority):

  • Financial need: Investigators with substantial available funds will need to provide a strong justification on why additional funds are required. Amounts of other support, internal resources, and start-up funds will be considered.
  • Scientific merit of proposal and impact on the field.
  • Likelihood that proposed experimental plans will result in a successful grant submission.

Reviews and funding decisions are completed within 6-8 weeks.


If you have any questions about this funding program, please contact Katie Blackburn (