Core Facilities
Cores are centralized facilities or labs which offer shared services, shared equipment, resources and expertise to biomedical researchers and investigators on a fee-for-service basis.
Advanced MRI and Spectroscopy (AMRIS)
Leveraging unique magnets, equipment, and expert scientific support with advanced capabilities for technique and instrumentation development

Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
Utilizing a variety of research methodologies to help address specific questions about the neural bases of cognitive and affective behavior in humans.

Stereotactic Radiosurgery Lab
Full-time radiosurgery-biology research laboratory equipped with high-end work station computers, assorted stereotactic equipment, and other equipment that will support a variety of types of studies.

Human Gene Therapy Vector ‘GMP’
Providing the service of generating gene therapy vectors. This service is comprehensive, starting with consultation on construct design and AAV capsid selection, molecular cloning of AAV plasmids, and finally packaging and purification of the virus.

Animal Care Services
Providing a humane and high quality animal care and use program through proper veterinary and husbandry care, emphasizing respect and being an advocate for the research animal.

Cell & Tissue Analysis Core (CTAC)
Providing project consulting, experimental design and optimization as well as data analysis services to help researchers with large-scale and small-scale experiments acquired on our sorters and cytometry instruments.

Gene Expression & Genotyping
Up-to-date gene expression and genotyping analysis methods allow scientists to be on the cutting edge of research. Our high-quality data can help researchers for their grant applications and scientific paper publications.

Providing services include; processing different types of samples used for DNA and RNA isolation (eg. Blood), Whole Genome Amplification of DNA, etc.

Providing consultation and guidance to the researchers who need assistance in designing and performing genetics and pharmacogenetics studies, and providing genotype data for their research projects.

Structure-Based Drug Design Core Lab
Providing services such as x-ray crystallography, lead discovery (computational chemistry), and facilitating drug development by combining structure-based methods.

NextGen DNA Sequencing
Providing researchers with quality, massively parallel, high-throughput sequencing data using the most current instrumentation, at a reasonable cost.

Molecular Pathology
Improving human and animal health by accelerating basic and clinical research based on histological procedures.

Monoclonal Antibody
Providing services such as the immunization of mice, cell fusion, cell cloning, screening by ELISA and Western blot, monoclonal antibody production, purification and labeling, and identification of matched antibody pairs.

CTSI Biorepository
High-quality biospecimens, processing or storage. Providing support to conduct research and generate publications in biobanking and improved patient care.

Electron Microscopy
Supporting scientists in solving problems and to help push their research forward by providing the tools needed for successful publication and grant applications.

Proteomics & Mass Spectrometry
Providing unprecedented tools for fast, accurate, high throughput biomolecular separation and characterization, which are indispensable towards understanding the biological and medical systems.

Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics
Providing state-of-the-art mass spectrometry-based proteomics services to assist with protein characterization, identification, and quantification.

Ocular Gene Therapy Core
Providing customizable AAV vectors that are efficient ocular transduction using various combinations of capsids and promoters to drive efficient expression of transgenes.

Immune Monitoring Core
Supporting clinical trials for immunotherapy by providing the resources such as flow cytometry or genotyping to assess a patient’s immune response.

CEG Supply Center
The Center for Epigenetics maintains a Supply Center that sells biochemical/molecular biological reagents from selected vendors such as Bio-Rad, Thermo Fisher/Invitrogen, Sigma Aldrich, Roche, Agilent, Dako, etc.

UF Health Running Medicine Clinic
Providing resource for running science and return-to-run after injury and identify ground reaction forces, gait asymmetries, joint motion from 3 planes for injury prevention, and clinical recommendations, etc.

UF Health Throwing Clinic
Providing expertise in reducing and preventing throwing-related injuries and maximizing sports performance, prevent overuse injuries and enhance throwing performance, and enabling you to reach your full potential.

Sports Performance Center
Providing fitness testing, motion analyses, body composition and metabolic measures, exercise and nutritional programming, strength testing and training and more.

Exercise Medicine and Functional Fitness
Employing a combination of epidemiological, clinical, laboratory and community engagement approaches to develop new therapeutics and injury prevention programs to improve patient functional capacity and quality of life.

Providing unprecedented tools for fast, accurate, high throughput biomolecular separation and characterization, which are indispensable towards understanding the biological and medical systems.

Metabolism & Translational Science Core
Providing the infrastructure, laboratory space, trained personnel, consultative and collaborative scientific expertise to investigate aspects of the biology of aging and metabolism.

The College of Medicine Office of Research Affairs has partnered to create a searchable database with information on research cores across campus. The new University of Florida Research Cores web portal now enables researchers to easily find and identify the location and capabilities of research cores across campus. Visit the site to learn more!