Request for Proposals

The Thomas H. Maren Research Excellence Award provides supplemental funding for outstanding faculty at the assistant professor rank in the College of Medicine. Award amount is $40,000 per year for two years (2nd year contingent on 1st year progress).
- Must be an Assistant Professor (tenured, non-tenured, Research Assistant Professor and Clinical Assistant Professor all acceptable) with a primary academic appointment in the College of Medicine
- Must be a principal investigator of a currently active nationally peer-reviewed grant (i.e. NIH, NSF, FL DOH, ACS, JDRF, etc.)
LOI package should include:
- One page document with name of candidate, current department, date of hire, as well as a brief summary of proposed project (300 word maximum)
- A statement that describes the candidate’s outstanding research accomplishments, including awards, publications, and grant funding; the creative and innovative nature of the proposed research project; and the project’s potential to lead to extramural funding (2-page maximum)
- Current Biosketch (NIH format) that includes current and past funding
Submit your Letter of Intent (LOI) package no later than 11:59pm on Monday, October 7, 2024. LOIs will be reviewed, and up to ten (10) full proposals will be invited on or around October 14, 2024. Invited full proposals will be due on or around November 12, 2024.
You will need to login using your Gatorlink account to submit your Letter of Intent for internal consideration. To do so, click on the Apply button next to the opportunity details on the InfoReady site.
If you have any questions about the internal coordination procedure for this opportunity, please contact Katie Blackburn (