NOTE: All logistics and registration details will be handled by the UF/IFAS Office of Conferences and Institutes. Please direct questions to Sharon Borneman by email: or by phone: 352-392-5930.
To promote grantsmanship skills and to help improve success in securing extramural funding, I am pleased to announce that the IFAS Dean for Research office will once again be hosting a grantsmanship workshop this spring. The workshop will include a full-day seminar (“Writing Winning Grants;” April 29) and a half-day seminar (“NSF CAREER Award;” April 30), both hosted by Grant Writers’ Seminars and Workshops, LLC.
The full-day “Write Winning Grants” seminar comprehensively addresses both practical and conceptual aspects that are important to the proposal-writing process. It is designed for faculty members who have had some exposure to writing grant applications, either through training, mentoring, or personal experience. The half-day “NSF CAREER Award” seminar is focused on teaching how to apply for the CAREER Award, which can be a distinguishing accomplishment in the career of an assistant professor. Both workshops will be presented by Dr. Peg AtKisson, who has averaged $10-$12 million a year in successful grant applications to many different federal agencies and private foundations. She has been teaching grantsmanship seminars since 2008.
Registration and eligibility
IFAS Faculty and IFAS Post-doctoral Scientists: The primary audience of this workshop are faculty and post-doctoral scientists, and the presentations and materials are strongly targeted toward that audience. Registration is complimentary for all IFAS faculty and IFAS post-doctoral scientists.
Non-IFAS faculty and Post-doctoral Scientists: Registration is open to all University of Florida faculty and post-docs. Registration fees for non-IFAS participants will be $225 for the full-day seminar and $175 for the half-day seminar and will include attendance, conference materials, and meals.
NOTE: All logistics and registration details will be handled by the UF/IFAS Office of Conferences and Institutes. Please direct questions to Sharon Borneman by email: or by phone: 352-392-5930.
Space is limited, so register as soon as possible to guarantee your space.
Date(s) and Location:
“Writing Winning Grants”
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
J Wayne Reitz Union – Grand Ballroom
7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
J Wayne Reitz Union – Grand Ballroom
7:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Important Registration information:
- The registration deadline is April 14, 2014
- Registration site: