New EndNote Licenses Available for 2019-20

EndNote Premium X9 licenses can now be purchased by UF departments for faculty, students, and staff use at reduced cost through UFIT. The popular software makes managing research extremely efficient, from compiling thesis bibliographies to preparing papers for publication. Version X9 was also upgraded with enhancements to the workflow options and the manuscript matching feature.

EndNote Premium X9 software is licensed to individual users using the software on up to two devices, on an annual term that runs Aug. 15, 2019 through Aug. 14, 2020. Use of the software can begin as soon as the order process is complete. For faculty, students, and staff to utilize this agreement, purchases must be done through a departmental purchase.

Please visit the EndNote webpage to place an order. Software liaisons who would like additional information prior to purchasing licenses for their department may call the UFIT Software Licensing Services team at 352-392-7638 or email