What is the HubTalk monthly research forum?
The HubTalk is a monthly forum to engage the research community in ongoing dialogue in order to evaluate current clinical trial processes, identify opportunities for improvement, and look for opportunities to further advance the enterprise. This has been a long standing communication pathway for the entities that have been responsible for clinical trials in the UF College of Medicine (i.e. RAC, OCR and now CRH).
Who is the primary audience?
The primary audience is all members of the University of Florida Clinical Research Community.
What kind of conversations does the series hope to foster?
The series hope to fosters engaging conversations to identify barriers that might exist and develop solutions to improve process, provide educational updates and serve as a method of dissemination of COM standards for clinical trial operation. In addition, it is an opportunity for stakeholders to share resources and innovate.
When does the series take place?
The series will be the second Thursday of the month! (Dates are subject to change)